Saturday, 3 August 2013

Significance Of Different Ridges On Fingertips(Shankh And Chakra)

Basically there are different types of ridges present in human fingertips.A finger print expert can find a hundred different characteristics on a finger.This means there are hundred types of arrangement of the ridges.Some pattern are classified as : 
1.Loop (Shankh)2.Whorl(chakra) 3.Arch 4. Tented Arch


if all the finger have this pattern  then person will be very emotional.and he should control his feeling.
in hindu palmistry loop(shankh) formation  from left to right is considered very good and auspicious.(whorl)Chakra  is also very important and good.


If person possess this sign then person will have originality of thought  but they are suspicious in nature.They are secretive in nature they do not want to share their plans to others.They may suffer heart problems.If well shaped whorl is  present on the first phalange of thumb then person will have good fortune,good wife and happy life.
If whorl present is present on the Jupiter finger tip then person will get benefit from their friends and he may be master in occult science on other side if loop is present on the Jupiter finger tip then he is not lucky to have sufficient money.
If whorl is present on the sun finger tip then it shows gain from public contact on other side if loop is present on the sun finger tip then is shows spend money for public benefit.
If Whorl is present on the mercury finger tip then it shows gain from ready made goods on other hand if loop is present then it shows a loss. 


if arch is present on finger tip then such person will dominating,suspicious in nature and they may suffer from stomach and blood disorder.

Tented Arch: 

if tented arch is present on finger tip then person will have sensitive and emotional in nature.He will be fond of music.


  1. And Sir, What about....number of chakras....and shankhs.....

  2. I have whorls on all fingers, what will that mean

    1. then ur born to rock.. leave IBM.. enjoy :P

    2. whorls matlab chakr
      hota hiii neha

    3. More then 5 chakra is respect as "Charavarti king"..Person may creat wonders.

    4. Neha, as u have all whorls on ur fingers u will become saint, yogi, mahatma or great person of the world. it also means person knowing everything...

    5. neha its not possible dear whorls on the ten fingers...hiiiii hiiii nice

    6. neha its not possible dear whorls on the ten fingers...hiiiii hiiii nice

    7. For details, also see Dermatoglyphics ( Study of ridges or pattern designs on fingers which we call Chakras,Shankhs)

    8. Yes it is possible, even I have full chakras on all finger tips

    9. i have also whorls on all fingers

    10. You have company lady. 2 of my affluent relatives have.
      1. Owner of 6 airports in india and other countries.
      2. Daughter if a very large jewellery and hospitality group in india.
      So be happy. I did see such a formation in few professionals. Ayurvedic doctors too.

    11. I have got whorls on all of my fingers... and my wife has got loop on all fingers Sanjiv...

      They say that person with whorls on all fingers become saint, yogi, mahatma or great person of the world. it also means person knowing everything...

      I don't even know what I am doing in my life and they say they will know everything. Maybe I will turn into saint.

  3. I have whorls on all fingers, what does it mean ...

  4. I have whorl in ring finger and index finger, loop in pinkie finger thumb and middle finger. What does that mean?

  5. I have whorls in all my fingers.What it means?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Ansul, as u have all whorls on ur fingers u will become saint, yogi, mahatma or great person of the world. it also means person knowing everything...

  6. U are slut that means

  7. I have no whorls.
    I have only shanks in all my fingers. What does that mean?

  8. i have total 10 chakras..9 on fingers and 1 on right palm...
    can anybdy plz tell me what that mean????

    1. I have whorls in all my ten fingers.What it means?

  9. I have one whorl in all my ten figures what it means?

  10. I have shankhs on all my fingers...wht it means?

  11. i have 10 whorlwhorl ....what does it means??

  12. I have tendon arch,what it means?

  13. i ve 6 shankhas on last three fingers of both hands, that is total 6 and 1 chakra on right hand

  14. I have 1 chakra on my left Ring finger.. what does that mean??

  15. Good sign for higher post. But take time.

  16. I have 8 shankh and 2 chakra , specially on right hand 1chakra on ring finger and rest chakra what does that mean?

  17. In my finger whorl right and left loop all are present how can I decided my career

  18. i have got 10 sankha what is the logic about luck

  19. have 3 left shankas in right and 3 right shakas in left.. besides have 2 tented arch in left and 2 tented arch in right ... what it could represent my personality in palm reading

  20. भोग और मोक्ष प्राप्ति के लिए कानपुर का एक मात्र मंदिर मां त्रिपुर सुंदरी अधिक जानकारी के लिए वीडियो देखें 👇

    1. very nice informative video i really like your content plzz upload more of these kind ... thankyou !! #displace ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  21. I am 10 loop in hand and 10 loop in foot.
